Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Rubric- Country Project

Class participation – Total: 20 pts.

Worked diligently in class; always on task; asked 20

relevant questions

Worked well during class time; almost always on task 15

Did not use time wisely; did not spend most of time on task; 5

possibly disruptive

Requirements Met – Total: 30 pts

Met all requirements 30

Missing one requirement 25

Missing 2 or more requirements 15

Has 2 or less requirements 5

Effort/Creativity/Neatness– Total: 15 pts.

Project is neat and shows a great deal of effort 15

Project is neat and shows some effort 10

Project is unorganized and shows little or no effort 5

Accuracy- Total : 30 pts

All information correct; no errors found; 30

put information into own words

Most information correct; some errors found; 25

put most information into own words

Some information incorrect; many errors found OR 10

most information copied directly from sources

Most information incorrect; research not apparent OR 5

all information copied directly from sources

Bibliography – Total: 5 pts

At least 3 sources sited correctly 5

2 sources sited correctly OR 3 sources cited incorrectly 3

1 source sited correctly 1

Bonus Total: 10 pts

Meets all three requirements 10

Does not meet all three requirements 0

Total: ___________

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